
Teachers: It's Impossible to grow Educational, Food, Sustainable and Impactful gardens teachers and schools Sep 24, 2022

Elementary teachers, growing somewhat of a school or even a classroom garden, in student clubs or by arranging a few planting or work events with parents, is possible...

But, not if you want that garden to be EDUCATIONAL and no matter the size, IMPACTFUL.

Not if you want it to be producing FOOD wi

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Teachers: The wrong and right way of growing a school garden. Sep 17, 2022

Elementary teachers, have you ever tried to grow a school garden or even a classroom garden before?

Did you try to get plants donated, then organized planting events and work events with parents?

Or maybe you put together a lunchtime or after-hours/weekend club with your school's students to grow ...

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Teachers: Water Conservation in a School Garden Sep 10, 2022

So... Let's say that you grew a school garden with your students throughout the school year and they worked hard and you all took really good care of your plants. Let's say you also set up a watering chest and arranged volunteers for the summer... just like I showed you in last week's blog.

But now

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Teachers: School Garden Summer Maintenance: Part II teachers and schools Sep 02, 2022

Summer maintenance is at the top of your mind when it comes to growing a school garden. And for very good reasons too. The last thing teachers want is to have to come to school every day of their summer vacation to deal with issues and do chores. Teachers deserve a peaceful and worry-free summer. Th...

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Teachers: School Garden Summer Maintenance: Part I teachers and schools Aug 27, 2022

The very first concern that teachers or school admins have about the topic of growing school gardens is SUMMER MAINTENANCE!

And for very good reason too! Educators take on a lot and do A LOT for their students during the school year and when summer comes, they want to go away to their very well-des

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Teachers: Growing Food with Students - Week of Aug 15th 2022 Aug 19, 2022

Growing food gardens with students in schools could be a lot easier than you imagine!

If you're an elementary teacher who's been wanting to do this but haven't, or you've done some growing but not up to your desires, you're in the right place! 

Went live last week almost every day and shared tips ...

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Teachers: Growing Food with Students - Week of Aug 8th 2022 teachers and schools Aug 12, 2022

Growing food gardens with students in schools is dreamy wonderful to teachers but overwhelmingly intimidating to even imagine starting!

If you're an elementary teacher who's been wanting to do this but haven't, you know what I'm talking about! ;)

Went live last week almost every day and shared tip...

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How to set up a kids or school garden for less watering chore parents and teachers watering Jul 25, 2022

We live in a cold climate but our summers are crazy hot! We essentially jump from crazy cold to boiling and back to freezing again. Instead of 4 seasons, we have only 2.
What do we do to make sure my kids don't have to water their garden 3 times a day during the hot dry spells?
Our annual vegetable ...

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An oasis sanctuary in your backyard: The best space for your kids to spend summer oasis backyard parents Jul 18, 2022

When summer is here most people think of vacations and out-of-town fun.

Last week we went out camping with my family. We had tons of fun and physical activity in nature. Hiking and canoeing too. I love nature but I'm also a 5-star hotel kind of gal. I love to be pampered and receive luxury that I u...

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How does gardening food serve your child's developmental needs Jun 26, 2022


To be honest with you for me gardening with kids started as an act of activism and not as a selfish act that would benefit ME immediately. But I didn't know that I was up for a huge pleasant surprise that kept on surprising for years. It all started with the social justice and environmental activ...

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Part3: -School-Garden-Lesson-Plans teachers and schools Mar 01, 2021


Last week, I shared WHY having your School Garden Lesson Plans nailed, is the path to having a beautiful and producing school garden you can teach your curriculum in without the usual headaches of managing a garden. You can read Part 1 here:

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