School Gardens Myth Busters
Dec 12, 2022You're an elementary teacher with a dream...
And in this dream, there's a garden you grow with your students...
I know that because you are on this page reading!
But this dream is bogged down with "Ya but" here and "Ya but" there.
But isn't a garden expensive?
But doesn't it need an outdoor space?
But doesn't it require me to sacrifice my personal time (the already non-existent one)?
But don't you need to know how to grow food?
The answer is NO to all these questions. These are myths that have been perpetuated by those teachers who tried growing a garden the wrong way, making all the mistakes and burning themselves out doing it.
Not their fault, and I really feel for them! But unfortunately, they have made everyone else think these myths are true and they're not!
I talk about all these in the short-vlog series HERE:
You don't need to be an expert grower!
Don't need an outdoor space even for growing a really impressive and producing garden.
No need to spend any of your personal time in the garden.
And you don't need a gazillion-dollar budget to build it!
Teachers in the Oasis Classroom program grew amazing classroom gardens last year with 0 outdoor space, they did it all in their classroom time, some raised back the investment their school made in the program, selling their seedlings in an entrepreneurial program and they still had a lot to donate!
How many of them were gardeners who knew how to do this before Oasis Classroom? ZERO!
Check out the videos to learn more.
P.S. Doors to the Oasis Classroom and Oasis Schools programs open in January. Check them out here: